prophecy california falling into ocean

But then I saw the streets of Los Angeles-and everything between the San Bernardino mountains and L.A. What does it say about the Red Sea in the Bible? und sein eigenes Angebot erstellen. There was nobody left. It was just a dream. The force of the fissure then caused the volcanos west side to slip six feet into the Atlantic Ocean. Crazy dream (There are pages here about a similar dream occurring-finding himself in Los Angeles-although it was the next day (in 1937) it was the same day in Los Angeles, and the dream would continue where the last dream left off.) In California, the majority of residents live within 30 miles of a fault. Widespread flooding was reported across California on Monday, with more than 300 reports of flooding coming into various National Weather Service offices across the state. There are dozens upon dozens of people that have had the same dream about the Californian mega-quake. Web+254-730-160000 +254-719-086000. The waves were rushing up now. But I knew it was trembling. ARE THERE JOBS THAT OUR SISTERS SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM? Sie sind Multi-Media-Profi? If you are REdirected towards any Third Party site then this blog is not REsponsible. earthquake prophecies pacific It was breaking in two. That is solemn warning. If you are in the middle of a earthquake, you should be as calm as possible and avoid panicking. Cayce was specific about certain U.S. regions that will see such an increase in earthquakes. #3 E.R. According to the US Geological Survey, there is a one in three chance that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake will strike the San Andreas Fault within the next 30 years. Fifteen hundred mile chunk of it, three or four hundred miles wide, will sink hundredor maybe 40 miles down into that great fault out yonder one of these days, and waves will shoot plumb out to the state of Kentucky. Cayce's readings about Earth changes spawned all kinds of speculation about future natural disasters and apocalyptic events. It meant nothing. that day. Peru and Bolivia will be sink with rising waters. I'd like to think I'm prepared. Noise everywhere. In Bible, does God care about natural disasters? These include weather pattern changes around the globe, a major pole shift, and an increase in volcanic and earthquake activity. We are going into the sea. #9Nita Johnson: The map was in a silvery light and was completely sectioned off into states. The Big One is an hypothetical 7.8M earthquake in southern California that is expected to cause 1800 deaths and $213 billion in economic damage. I wondered about two things. It occurred onGood Friday, March 27, 1964. Kir will be the nations final refuge for Syrian refugees. I predict, before the coming of the Lord Jesus that God will sink that place . Although it is impossible to predict when another earthquake will strike, geologists generally agree that the Hayward Fault will produce one within the next 30 years. According to NASA, the rate of movement has gone from 10 km a year to a startling 40 km per year. Something is happening now! Everything else breaking around them, and they were holding, holding. I couldnt feel it. He answered that there would be "a shifting of the poles" to herald the dawning of a New Age. Loud speakers again about fuel tanks broken in areas-shortage of oil. Construction crews work to repair Highway 1 which collapsed into the Pacific Ocean near Big Sur, California. The following are 11 prophecies of the historic earthquake that will someday cause large parts of the state of California to slide into the Pacific Ocean, #1John Paul Jackson: There is a an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California. Meaning skyscrapers are going to fall that the shape of the United States will change after that earthquake. The other names I had never heard. The fluctuations in polarity impacted the magnetic field that shields the Earth. Peter walked out on to the water, just as Jesus did when he left the boat. Among his 2021 predictions is a global famine, as well as the zombie apocalypse some people describe as a potentially deadly global famine. Yet there were also islands there, massive ones, so it wasnt like it was all ocean. How it came. I seemed to be up on Big Bear near San Bernardino, but the funny thing is that I could see everywhere. A. ALLEN DIDNT DIE AN ALCOHOLIC. The southern and eastern portions of Canada will be safe. SICILY.. she doesnt hold. It was 10 minutes to 4. They looked terrible. I predict, before the coming of the Lord Jesus that God will sink that place. Some radio blasting from a loud speaker that in a few minutes, power might be shut off. The World Is Falling Apart the immorality of the world, HAVE A FORM OF GODLINESS & DENY THE POWER THEREOF, TRUTH REVEALED! WE do not Save any Kind of Personal Data such as Password , Username or any other Personal Credentials. I was glad I couldnt hear the crying any more. ocean california falling apartments into feet away just When? Welche Materialien lassen sich verarbeiten? He kept shouting and reading instructions. I got scared. One said: lets get out of this place. Things were happening in the atmosphere. Sie knnen gut mit WordPress umgehen und haben Freude am Schreiben? Ghost towns, abandoned gold mines, rowdy saloons, and tragic endings of, How to Catch Ghosts on Camera: 13 Tips for Success, You don't need specialized camera gear or video equipment to get some compelling images of the supernatural. We just witnessed the largest earthquakes to hit California in decades, and this has caused many to search for prophecies regarding even more destructive California earthquakes in the future. In this article, I have included 11 examples of men and women that have been shown that someday there will be a giant earthquake that will cause a large portion of the west coast to go into the Pacific Ocean, but this is not an exhaustive list. The truth is that God has been warning us about this coming judgment for a very, very long time, and hopefully this recent shaking will start to wake some more people up. I wanted only to wake up, to get away from this place. You should include an emergency kit, a check for cracks on your foundation, and a review of your appliances and wiring to keep them safe. It was tilting toward the ocean-like tilting a picnic table. I was getting to the 5 and 10 (Newberrys?) It was a 9.1, everything almost destroyed. Dann legen Sie doch einfach los! It was nothing more. Waves. I started to run. ocean california into fall People falling down, some of them bad hurt. Having lived in California in the 1980s I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like. .And, of course, the Salton Sea is about two hundred feet below sea level, andifthat big churning, that earth swallowing in like that, with hundreds of square miles, hundreds and hundreds of square miles sinking into the earth,thatllthrow a tidal wave plumb to Arizona. And as we were there, not on exactly Thanksgiving. The state is easily one of the most haunted states in the South. An old lady had a dog, a little white dog, and she stopped and looked scared, and grabbed him in her arms and said, Lets go home, Frou, Frou. Even if you are several miles away from an earthquake, you should be aware of its potential to cause damage. I didnt know time now. The buildings were holding, better than you could believe. The line shot up the map taking most of California and leaving only a small section that bordered on Arizona and Nevada. Auf den nchsten Seiten erhalten Sie einige Informationen zum Thema Multi-Media! Now,if that goes down, then I want you to watch when . Find out on this weeks episode of "Ask A Geoscientist"! I knew what was going to happen to San Francisco-it was going to turn over, because of Garlock. Scientists say the risk of an earthquake causing a state to fall into the ocean is very low. She kept saying earthquake, its THE earthquake. over and over. Huge cracks will appear in the ground. But I couldnt see it. Fr den redaktionellen Aufbau unserer Webseiten suchen wir freie Redakteure, They were mad about dying. Not only did Joe Brandt see California being thrown into the sea (due to tsunamis after the quake) but others have seen the same thing. We are going into the sea.. Get to the high places. The "big one" has been speculated on for a while, so much so that it inspired a big budget action movie, the 2015 film San Andreas. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you. Ive never imagined what it would be like for a building to die. It was a nice shaking, like a cradle being rocked for a minute, and then I saw the middle of the Boulevard. Preacher William Branham said in April in 1965: "We don't know what time, and you don't know what time that this city, one day, is going to be laying out in the bottom of this ocean." The people on the streets were getting wet, and they were scared. Your email address will not be published. I knew I was dreaming and yet I wasnt dreaming. The whole earth will shake. Like nothing. While Cayce never gave specific dates for Earth changes, he did map out a timeline of events (reading 1152-11) that you can follow. I could see everything. There was a crack in the ground in front of me and I knew that it was too late for all those people, only the people already at or on the hills had any chance. Lets go back East. He seemed scared. Von Profis fr Profis. ARE THERE JOBS THAT OUR SISTERS SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM? They were all like dolls. Pieces ofbuildings, chips, flying in the air. Werbe- und Marketingleistungen spezialisiert. New York Daily News. She was way down the block, probably. It will happen. The concrete looked as if it were being pushed straight up by some giant shovel. Some people looked dazed. Again, I could hear the stillness. tsunami warning And when it does, itll shake the world so hard that everything on top of it will shakedown! A Thinking Mans Filter, 8/22/65. I had never experienced anything like it. Hier finden Sie Tipps und Tricks - It was all tilting toward the ocean, houses, everything that was left. Its time for your milk, kiddo, she says. Itll slide right into the ocean. And two days after that, the Alaskan earthquake shook Alaska.Works Is Faith Expressed, 11/26/65. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku Daiichi earthquake are the most powerful in recorded history, both registering magnitudes of *9. Then, when it came. These are like over 20 signs wrapped up in one, foretelling the year of the mega quake, for 2022. Black Sea rising. I couldnt look anymore at the people. Can you provide me with a news tip? It was 4:29. Joe also recounted about the way people were dressed: "Those crazy kids. I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture of the President. Welche Multi-Media-Gert fr Gosh, old woman of 30 acting like the cats pyjamas. According to the Bible, Nostradamus predicted the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler and the worlds end. This is one of the changes that would require another generation. Mamma is going to take you home. That poor old lady, hanging on to her dog. For a minute or two, I thought it had happened. It wasnt daylight. They kept it up until the last minute-all of them-calling out Get to the Mountains-This is California.-We are going into the sea. I woke up. It was if I knew something was going to happen and I could stay with her, help her. All rights reserved. Away off in the distance, I could see Japan, on a Fault, too. Amazon Reviews. NEW YORK was coming into view-she was still there, nothing had happened, yet water level was way up. I wanted to cheer, to shout, to scream. Mt. According to the Lord, I will not revoke the punishment for three transgressions of Damascus and four transgressions of the Syrian people. I saw, like the next day, and everything was topsy turvy. Scientists predict that a magnitude-10 earthquake will occur on the Hayward Fault within the next 30 years, after a magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck this area on April 18, 1989. When Peter diverted his attention from his Masters work to the onslaught of the wind around him, his faith began to erode, and he began to sink into the water in a helpless state. Here, things were different. I tried to see the island of Hawaii. In a recent study, it was discovered that playing online slots is much more likely to result in a large jackpot win. Starting with the West Coast, the voice would speak and that same silvery light would shoot down from the direction of heaven like a laser beam onto the map. California is firmly planted on the top of the earths crust in a location where it spans two tectonic plates. WebDestruction of Cities (31-D-7) Destruction of Los Angeles (31-D-7) Destruction of Los Angeles by Tidal Wave, "Balls of Fire", etc. William Marrion Branham Messages in Hindi, William Marrion Branham Messages in English, A large earthquake could cause the ground to sink by nearly a meter, destroying homes and highways. This brings tears to your eyes as you see the good order you have in your faith. We had seven; that one that sunk between Africa and the United States Oh, its historical; you know about it. In the concrete in front of a theatre they had names of stars. Cayce went on to indicate that the rising ocean heat is directly related to the size of sunspots. I ran and ran, and the ground kept trembling. I found myself back in Hollywood-and it was still 4:29. Someone was comingsomeone in 1937 it was that fat nurse ready to take my temperature. The alarming news revealed in the episode is how the magnetic force field is weakening. BRANHAM,65-0429ETHE.CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LOS.ANGELES. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. Five girls were running like mad toward the Y.W.C.A., that place on Lexington or somewhere. People were carrying candles and everybody was crying for California, Nevada, parts of Colorado- maybe all of it, even Utah. I seemed to see it was the GARLOCK FAULT, not just the SAN ANDREAS that was rocking San Francisco. I was up over them-looking down. Ireland, Scotland-all kinds of churches were crowded-it seemed night and day. They were holding. But what is the issue on that day or that hour? Jesus asked. I wondered what had happened to them. Mt Etna is shacking. This field is generated by the Earth's molten core of liquid iron some 2,000 miles beneath the surface. People were frightened and crying. I believe that Hollywood and Los Angeles and them filthy places over there, that God Almighty will Then I seemed to be out of it all, but I could see. Wir wnschen Ihnen viel Spa auf unseren informativen Webseiten. It was FIVE MINUTES TO FOUR OCLOCK ON A SUNNY AFTERNOON. All the girls wore real short skirts and they slouched along, moving like a dance. Both with beards. Bereich? Ive been thinking about it all morning. I noticed there was a quietness about the air, a kind of stillness. It had been half an hour. Dont these people KNOW that the birds have gone somewhere? I walked two blocks north on the BlvdAll housesno birds. There are many theories about the California earthquake that happened on July 5, 2019. California residents should be prepared for earthquakes regardless of where they live. die fachspezifisch Ihr know-how zum Thema Multi-Media online zur Verfgung stellen mchten. (31-D-7) Destruction of San Francisco and Los Angeles not Predicted by Ellen G. White (31-D-7) Did Mrs. E.G. My Lord, I believe, will guide me through this journey. Edgar Cayce was asked if there'd be any great Earth changes in 2000-2001. I decided that I would look as funny to them as they looked to me. Cayce was asked to conduct a reading (195-29) on the validity of a solar theory report written by Herbert Janvrin Browne on Long Range Weather Forecast. Oh,Capernaum, saidJesus, thou who exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell. I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture of the president. My eardrums felt as if they were going to burst. Additionally, comparing this quake to past events can help scientists better understand the regions potential to produce future shakes. Ive had another crazy dream, back in Hollywood. One fellow ( in the picture (TV) station) was a little short guy who should have been scared to death. Many of the battlefields would be transformed into oceans, and new bays would form as new trade ports. Many tall buildings. I thought about Hollywood Boulevard, and I found myself, there, on Hollywood Boulvard. I listened. The California Earthquake Agency (CEA) uses the most current science to determine earthquake insurance rates. With this recent alert given to California (and the movie which shows how the mega-quake would play out), now the time is prime for this to occur. I dont know. This was on the west coast of America.. My eyes seemed glued on that clock. Legen Sie jeden Ihrer Arbeitschritte in In der Summe aller Komponenten legen Sie bei Hold that line, I said. Nutzen Sie das Shop-Potential fr We was watching on television. There were older people in the cars. Real scared. Here everything was almost as if nothing had happened. It certainly was not 1937. Required fields are marked *. Cayce predicted that the simultaneous eruption of two famous volcanoes would herald the final shifting of the poles. First, the voice cried out-The West Coast, California, Oregon and Washington, starting from the southern most tip all the way up to Seattle, will suffer natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and fire, and enemy attack. Get to the mountains. Some say that it was caused by the Dodgers earthquake, while others believe that Nostradamus predicted it. I heard or somehow I knew that somewhere in the Atlantic land had come up. I guess it is something you have to learn. EXPLAIN WHAT BROTHER BRANHAM SAID ABOUT IDOLATRY. Everybody seemed scared to death. Many volcanoes will erupt. Something about helicopters or planes would go over-some kind of planes-but I knew they couldnt. Nobody in the future onHollywoodBoulevard is going to be wearing earringsand those beards. Like a little girl. It was Los Angeles-it was bigger, much bigger, and buses and odd shaped cars crowded the city streets. Im in Southern California, Riverside., #11Lastly, I would like to share Joe Brandtsentire vision from 1937with you. Please note that many of the details that he witnessed did not exist in 1937, but they perfectly describe our current time. Also, please take special note of his description of the president that will be in office when this event takes place. just as suddenly as it had appeared, I heard a voice, as robust as the sound of many waters yet with great intensity, begin to give directions. Then, like looking at a huge map of the world, I could see what was happening on the land and with people. He was bigger, heavier, big ears.". There are also earthquake prophecies set for Brisbane, Australia in the future also but it will not create the damage that the Californian quake will create. It sent tsunami waves rushing at the speed of a jetliner down the coast of the Pacific Northwest to Crescent City,Calif. - Sei es die eigentliche Produktion oder Herstellung Shes done; shes washed; shes finished. We was watching ontelevision. Maybe I had died. However, there are some keys that means that this dream might well be fulfilled soon. As the latest storm to batter California begins to let off on Tuesday, leaving severe flooding and destruction in its wake, residents will be bracing for another enormous cyclone to slam into the Pacific coast on Wednesday, forecasters have predicted. This map is more likely a creation based on Cayce's pole shift prediction. Nothing like that is ever going to happen. Our Website is a Religious Platform. I knew in my spirit, it wasnt quite Christmas..Im praying and asking the Lord to lead me, us. Many portions of the east coast would be disturbed and many portions of the west coast and central portion of the U.S would shift. You couldnt believe anything so gentle could cause so much damage. WebDestruction of Cities (31-D-7) Destruction of Los Angeles (31-D-7) Destruction of Los Angeles by Tidal Wave, "Balls of Fire", etc. I could hear, someplace, a radio station blasting out-telling people not to panic. Within the 1152-11 reading, Cayce foretold of areas that would be safe. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple., #6Kristina Heuken-Goossen: Than I saw a very huge and big city. In his January 1936 reading 270-35, he stated when Vesuvius or Pelee volcanoes erupt, then within the following three months, the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada can expect an inundation of earthquakes. Comment * I wanted to get back to the hospital in Fresno, and I wanted to stay there on the Boulevard., even if nobody could see me. It seemed much faster than Hollywood, but then I wasnt exactly there. May God help me to get strength to repent. When the two groups came face to face, Moses companions cried out, We are all gone. No, Moses responded. However, there are a number of verses that speak to the idea of Gods power over the natural world, including the sea. Joe Brandt said it was strange that he didn't hear any birds before the quake hit. The QUIET IS GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER. They were dying in the streets. It was nothing more. You knew they were going to hold, even if the waters kept coming up. I saw the map of South America, especially Colombia. Warum sollten Marketing- und Werbeleistungen nicht auch online abrufbar sein wie bei einem Shop? More like early spring. Cayce gave the future U.S. map regions. you remember what I told you about two years ago, how that earthquake would come in Canada, up here in Alaska? Only they didnt. In fact, capturing ghosts on camera is mostly about technique. The earthquake is imminent. It was moving just like that earthquake movie with Jeanette McDonald and Gable. I could see the big lanes-dozens of big lanes still loaded with cars-five lanes in one place, and all the cars sliding the same way. A major earthquake struck all along the Western coast. They were honking but not scared. CaliforniaTown Still Scarred By1964Tsunami On Good Friday, March 27,1964, the largestearthquakeever recorded in North America struck Anchorage, Alaska. People looked at each other, surprised. Ihre fachspezifische Dienstleistung in Ihren eigenen Shop an! beim Kunden They were LIFTED UP. You should take some of these examples with a grain of salt and refer to Cayce's reading on how the geography of continents, countries, and states will be reconfigured. This pattern is known as El Nio (discovered by fishermen in South America hundreds of years ago). But, oh, what happened? Ive been to the end of the world. Plus, in recent months the science has been backing it up. madrid map earthquake after ocean california into fault angelfire hope split inland america One such prophetic dream came from a 17 year old Joe Brandt in 1937. I couldnt tell time, then, and the people looked like dolls, far away. WebCalifornia PROPHECY: "California Disappeared" Will Cali Fall into the ocean? I dont like it. It surely wasnt Mr. Roosevelt. They started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air and the air became very dark and dirty. I wondered what year it was. Most of the kids were in the street. Thatgirlwas so real to methatgirlwith those kids. Ihre Dienstleistung! edge falling The light would follow the path directed by the voice and then effects would follow as I will explain. This is California. They claim that if a major tremor hits the area, it could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly. His hand was still clinging to the table, he was trying to get up, so that once again he could say: This is California we are going into the sea. Nobody in the future on Hollywood Boulevard. Some 380 miles to the west, off the coast of the Alaskan Peninsula, amagnitude 8.2 earthquakehad just ripped through this part of the planetthe biggest temblor the U.S. has seen in more than 50 years. In another part of the reading, Cayce states that the Great Lakes will empty into the Gulf. All Rights Reserved. Remember, one day youll be laying in the bottom of the sea, your great honeycomb under you right now. #4Maurice Sklar: I saw a massive earthquake that just seemed to crack off the coast of California. It reminded me of a Saltine cracker that just cracked in two! The great cities along the West coast just fell into the ocean, all the way from Mexico up to Alaska and giant waves flooded inland until much of the West Coast just wasnt there! It had disappeared into the Pacific Ocean. If youre outside, stay away from any buildings that could collapse and try to get to a higher ground. Im going back to that last moment on the Boulevard. But just as I sure was standing there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that West Coast, and then followed it right up here with the sinking ofLos Angeles, she is gone! If only my eyes would get a little clearer so I can write all this down. Lindsey: In California, the San Andreas fault will split and the land west of it will sink into the ocean. It's the largest one currently active in Europe. The sun was darkened even more because of the smoke and the ash that started raining down everywhere. We are going into the sea. My headache is worse. This is California we are going into the sea. I seemed to hear this, over and over, for what seemed hours-just those words. I remember, vaguely, the fall from my horse-Blackie. These earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the West. 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