words with friends scammer photos

Whats your favorite color. She probably has no idea hes such a creep either. I kept calling him my pretend boyfriend but part of me did hope somehow he was real. I have been appreciating a song by The Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks) called How Do You Sleep at Night? Think Ill do the same. Has anyone encountered Michael (or Micheal) Shaund? I played a Thomas S. Who was an engineer in Texas & was supposedly originally from Berlin, Getmany. They wanted to her to download Google Hangouts.. She did.. Now they mostly use WhatsApp. Ive been messing with them too knowing they are phishing. On my screen, it shows my name, although theyve always called me by my screen name. They go overboard with the charm. Most would not play me if I would not chat so I started to chat just to have a games to play with others. 12 Signs That You Might Be Getting Catfished Online, How to Find Hidden Profiles on Social Networks, Tinder Search: 4 Little Known Ways to Find Anyones Tinder Profile Online. My profile picture was the Betsy Ross flag. They also always want to exchange email and go to Google Hangout too. Can I sue Words With Friends? Yep! Iafter talking over month I straight up told him thats a big turn off. When I told a friend how he said he was having trouble w/hia phone she said if he wanted to talk w/me he would. He has a temper and it shows up a lot when I ask too many questions he doesnt want to answer. Alex Peterson !!!! I am sorry people tell lies & act trustworthy & kind when thise things are not true. Caught him out quite easily-I asked him what the time was where he was and he gave me local time in Africa One of the crew were killed. Its fun in the beginning but then the pressure for money starts. Anyway, if you look at these comments, they all follow a similar pattern. Ive played many an American service man (not for long), and am currently playing a guy called Mason Spielberg, sounds very nice, just waiting for the hit if it comes. This man will use all info given to try to gain money or use your phone number to chat with others thru an app. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. They cast a spell, really you start to believe them. There are many others whose names I forgot and once you say you dont chat, they are gone! Not like he previous 9 that had no clue. A little voice in the back of my head kept me sane. I am tired of getting letters to play like He has a lot of photos and a son that is 14 in boarding school. (I admit that Im biased.) I got a doozy the other day! Telling me the same thing their wives have died and they have kids . Hi. In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but threedifferent opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. Also I have been catfished on Instagram, by so called Engineers Doctors and Military Officers. The problem is, clicking that link could download malware to your computer. While we do pride ourselves on our thoroughness, the information available on our website or that we provide at times may not be 100% accurate, complete, or up to date, so do not use it as a substitute for your own due diligence, especially if you have concerns about a person's criminal history. I like talking to you. I go oh ok but Im talking to you. Many with the same old story: On contract with the UN in the Middle East or on an oil rig/ship in the ocean. scammer scamhatersunited Also beware of peter walter stuck in Africa needs to get home to daughter in states. Says he has a place in Chicago but owns a business in Brussels. Had anyone deal with a Mark Joe, David Roberts, William Johnson or Kelvin Triplet? Romance scammers try to engage people in conversation to get them to fall in love with them in order to scam them out of money. Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African professional thieves? I cant wait to use the FBI line! He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. Havent asked for anything. Lol watch for CORBIN BEN,EDDIE JOHNS,BENNET JACK, RICHARD RODGERS,EDDIE JOHNS, Donald Gentle, Frank Edwin. Its hard to resist. Step 2: Only using two or three letter words check. Hello, I almost feel like I am stalking the other person but after enough of these guys I dont care. I am much smarter than this. How do you change your name on WWF? Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. They persist and the English is appalling . He was a little bit taken aback I think when I told him that I also had cervical cancer. Next time I am going to say lemme guess, youre a widower from Europe but now live in the states. Wow. He meant he was married but his wife died during childbirth. I let them profess their love and make them think I am into them. Derek Kess, George Derrick (who now goes by George) and Larry Thomas. Snow ( GOT- or what??) WebWhat is a fake Words with Friends profile? Today he suggested we communicate on Whatsappfirst I did a little research and saw that was a common ploy and then I responded that it appeared he was a scammer and I was resigning and asked him not to contact me again. Im anticipating what the next one will have in common with the one before. And, he had realized that the Wi-Fi in his room needed recharged or he wouldnt be able to talk w/me again after that night until they reached Barcelona (in like three weeks). Its sad and shameful. He is using the pictures of: Al Vazquez for his Profile pictures. They convinced her to buy auction vehicles and someone actually went and received those cars. I heard a story about two people on WWF that eventually got married. There is an adjunct professor there by that name , but I just wonder if the profile pic is real. Then I say GOT YOU! What is wrong with you?! You just want us to buy more credits from you. Both Derek and George wanted to go to google hangouts very quickly and professed their love very quickly. He now lives in DC. Derek said his wife died in a horrific car crash and he has a son in boarding school in Florida. How do you reverse image search? ], Hey its not just men hitting on women. My life is over. Hes quite handsome and his photo is frequently used in scams. I never answer or play and then they go away. Its always a scam. I like your style! You can always tell its a scammer by the photo they use or the date they started playing. Social Catfish warned that the scammers are masterful storytellers, and the playbook reveals how thorough that these scammers can be. I get these guy pretty regularly. They still try and hit on me, Ive experiences that too where its the same guy but he changes his name every time and Ive blocked this one several times . Scammers all. He took his kids to the zoo in the afternoon heat in Texas. Done!A. I run into several a day on WWF. Also, Ive noticed that almost ALL of these scammers use a name that is 2 first names of a man. I called 1 guy out and he started asking what the other 2 were saying to me. Thats a red flag. Hes asking me a lot of questions and now wants me to go on Google Hangouts to chat with him but I dont plan to. When I see a message icon pop up, I ignore it. (Not sure why since I have always only played with people I know). If there are more I will start asking them first and pretend Im in the same city, ask where they like to eat, shop, etc. : The Dangers of Online Dating, Hinge Search: 5 Ways to Find Someone on Hinge, Thousands of Fake Facebook Profiles Were Created Using Military Mans Photos, One of the Most Used Faces in Romance Scams, Reporting Online Scams: Tips and Best Practices to Stay Safe Online, 5 Public Wifi Security Risks You Need to Watch Out For, Secure Personal Information in the Workplace: Understanding the Importance and Best Practices, Identify Theft while Online Shopping: How to Protect Yourself Online. Needs money so his oil rig doesnt sink! My grandmother (who we now know is suffering from dementia) has been completely brainwashed by these scammers. He wouldnt give up. They are less than useless. Give them false information. However, what really put me on high alert was when he said that his wife died while giving birth to the man she cheat with baby, smh. I feel like such a fool. Changed my photo to be one of my dogs and scammers have stopped. But it is very disturbing to me that someone out there has some personal info. You use caution and filter the people you add or follow on Instagram or Facebook. Their average game scores are relatively high but they all make boneheaded moves which are not consistent with their scores. Had to separate my FB acct from WWF and also changed my pic and profile. I have blocked both of them and made it so people I dont know cant start games with me. He stopped communicating when I wanted out. Your wife died tragically and now you are a single dad. I thought this woman was genuine, but now Im doubting. All same questions, dead or cheating wife and underage children. They are all engineers marine, chemical, building construction now its all oil rigs and army men. It is clear that theyre hounding her daily. Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. I resigned from our game and thats that. One of my friends told me she loved that I had a pretend boyfriend but also told me about a Ryan Gosling movie called Lars & the Real Girl. The profile pictures are usually extremely attractive and provocative, and they immediately strike up a conversation. The third one goes only by the name Jacob, but hes using a picture of four-star general Stephen Townsend. Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. Headed to Turkey to mine diamonds . 12 talking about this. Scammers target people on words with friends because most people dont expect to be scammed while playing a harmless game on the internet. Blah blah. Anyone hear of him? I had a lot of these scammers, every day it seemed. Beware JamesMason 147 there are others, but I just say no dont think I want to chat and they resign. I am so relieved to find this thread! Truth be told, I dont really have any friends on the app (or in life), and the few acquaintances I do have are not reliable. I had that David Craig too, did you ever have Davis Anderson? Same story , engineer , raising 14 year old daughter . Im sure some men just want a date or are likely married and want to hook up (like Luis Chanaga did or tried with several people on here). Not sure if this has been mentioned. Kandahar, Afghanistan. The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. He lives in Denver Co. His speech and choice of words didnt sound like good old USA slang. It is a popular profile picture. Also about to retire and getting huge payout. Terrence oshaughnessy general in air force. if any of you play word feud watch out for steelers2021. Im in great demand. Exactlythis issue goes both ways. I refused to answer and he deleted our game. ROTFL! 2023 by Socialcatfish.com. Still laughing!! I told him to take his time. Thomas Stewart from Texas. I learned my lesson about scammer players. I just dont repond. He has too many games going and cannot accept new games. He had a good vocabulary, almost too good! When I tell them I dont use gmail, they insist I get one right away. Hi, Wendy. She complies instantly. That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. I hope no one else gets hit by this guy. My mother has been playing Words with Friends with him for several years and is now having envelopes/packages sent to her from various people and then forwarding them. The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you wont go to hangouts or download it Im firm when I say no they say Im rude and mean lol I said so Im mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger Ive sooken very little to in 3 days?! I have a picture of a mouse as mine and one guy actually said how beautiful I was really ??? When they get pushy I tell them WWF is the wrong app for what LOL! At least it does now. He claims to be working on an oil rig in Mexico and after 2 weeks of chatting asked for a stream card for internet. Web9 SharonButtah 3 yr. ago Had the very same experience until I changed my profile picture to a baby pic. He was waiting to hear if he got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey. Do you know him please. We contacted police..no help. Supposedly a single father with a daughter. Wants to go on google hangout to get to know each other and talk more about our feelings. Two scammers in a row, similar stories. He said he could not wait to get offshore and he was working on a plan for a design. No one has started a game with me since, it could be the same guy using different names. But Im worried they hacked my phone. Luis Chanaga should just come out of his religious closet and be who he is without all the lies and cover ups. I was also approached by three different men on WWF. All I hope for now is that karma comes back & bites them. You are different then others. Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife. How to protect yourself or a loved He did look like Bin Laden, lol! I get hit on by young women all wanting iTunes gift cards eventually. I reported his info to Ftc.gov. How to Find Out if Someone Has a Dating Profile: Is Your Significant Other Cheating On You? I like to string em along for a while with vague answers, then tell them their mothers would not be proud of them or some such thing. I ended it fast before I got caught. Dork or fraud, WWF. Wife died of breast cancer. Beware. Can be entertaining some days when bored. Is there a script for this stuff? Has anyone come across Alex Peterson ? Thats when I blocked him. Wanted me to send a Steam Card what ever I could afford so that he could upgrade his computer and and apply for leave to come to see me. This is because they do it all the time and leave many heartbroken victims in their wake. He had this wild story about finding a secret base in Iraq and his team sharing the money they found. He got mad and disappeared when I told him it was none of his business. Who was in contact with a Scott frank ??? , by the photo, very attractive men. He asked how my husband died and I said I shot him when I discovered he was an internet scammer. Lol, Finally reading these because I have had nothing but new scammers since November who send a message after I play my first tiles. He said that he has two kids and his has full custody of his sons because he caught his wife cheating in his bed. Also one of his workers killed himself by jumping of the rig. I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. I dont mind playing if Im getting points but dont want to chat with most players, especially scammer bots with fake photos! Do you report as abuse name impersonation? 8.8.19 Grew Owen and David Craig, same Story.one Marine Engineer from Boston Massachussettes, son named Tyler, the other one, Petrochemical engineer from Atlanta Georgia, Daughter called Annieboth widow, working offshore.beware! So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. She is also such a fan of the online Scrabble knockoff Words with Friends(WWF) that I might use the word addiction to describe her relationship with the game and only be exaggerating a smidge. During a recent visit, Mom shared an odd experience she had while playing that turned out to be a new kind of scam. And worst of all I was stupid and five phones were ordered on my phone acct. Widow with 2 kids. 1 did call he was from sweden. Playing Words With Friends with strangers can be safe as long as you take certain precautions: Remember that while playing Words With Friends with strangers can be fun, its important to be cautious and protect your personal information. When I told him I wouldnt access his account (of almost $700,000) and have money transferred to my account, he then had no way to get home to access his own account. Scammers use fake images to fabricate profiles in order to make them look more attractive and believable. After a few weeks of talking to him my friend discovered this. Please add Barry Smith of Salem Ill., Steven Wilfred of U.S., and James Smith of Springfield, Ma. So lets get into it! Then there were other odd questions. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flake, Beware of James Anderson, James Tuscher, Bernard Charles, all romance scammers, beware. I am currently talking to 5 of them. even creepy face pics 99% scammers. I said well if you want me to send you money, you have to send me that first. Hes ( ??) Claimed to be a soldier on a,peace keeping mission in Afghanistan blah blah blah.just blocked him before he asked for money as I never let them get that far.it is really spoiling th game for me as I usually play with folk I know and only click on strangers to get extra points etc. I never wanted this to happen. Careful GIRLS, Hes good! We started chatting on email, but then he wanted my phone number. and how hes still looking for someone special blah blah bloody blah, I got so fed up with it I ended up telling him to do one (well a bit more colourful than that!) My favorite is Anthony Paulo. working out of the country, etc, I was never asked for money, I blocked them after the story got old! Yep my wife has been getting loads , similar story. Will have in common with the UN in the states of four-star general Stephen Townsend he not! Now they mostly use WhatsApp good old USA slang because most people dont expect to be a new of. 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