What We Do

We are to wake up the church to live up to the expectation and responsibilities of taking the gospel to every creature irrespective of the cost and the place. We must create partners who will understand our vision and prayerfully consider working with us in any of the eleven ways of partnering with us to reach out to the under-privileged people. The following are projects and program component.

  1. Church Planting:Church planting is the primary focus of the ministry.
  2. Training of Christian workers:Training of pastors, missionaries, and all categories of church leaders through our Bible school and Leadership Training Seminars and Summits.
  3. Distribution of Bibles:We give out Bibles and Bible literature to church leaders, missionary pastor and church planters.
  4. Short-term Mission Trips:We organize resources for short mission trips, 7-10 days, with a team in targeted mission fields to hold crusades, conduct personal evangelism from house to house, film evangelism, leadership seminar and finally plant a church in that place.
  5. Transportation:Buying of motorcycles, bicycles, and cars for mission projects.
  6. Compassion Ministry:Reaching out to the widows orphans, and physically challenged people by meeting their spiritual and material needs.
  7. Medical Care Delivery:In our mission and evangelistic trips, we will sometimes include medical care delivery into the program to meet the medical needs of those we evangelize. We provide medical care and services to communities that have such needs taking doctors, nurses, and medical supplies to villages when we have the means. This helps us earn their trust and hearing.
  8. Social Action:We provide them with portable drinking water by drilling wells and creating dams for their animals to make life better for them.